
Transfer Learning Applied: 97% Accuracy in 30 Seconds

Transfer Learning Applied: 97% Accuracy in 30 Seconds

Use transfer learning to get the ML functionality you need faster and at a fraction of the cost of training a model from scratch.

How Bad Culture Destroys Companies

How Bad Culture Destroys Companies

Specifics of Being a Project Manager for a HealthTech Product

Specifics of Being a Project Manager for a HealthTech Product

Healthcare projects have similar methodology, approaches, and technologies to projects from other domains. Anyway, there is some health-tech specific, which project managers should take into consideration since the beginning of working on the product.

Valet on the Voight-Kampff test – How to test Machine Learning?

Valet on the Voight-Kampff test – How to test Machine Learning?

The main question we had during Valet development was — “How to check whether it works or not?” We spent about two weeks on that, so let's dive in!

Hard decisions — easy life, easy decisions — hard life. How a Startup Summer graduate founded his own company

Hard decisions — easy life, easy decisions — hard life. How a Startup Summer graduate founded his own company

The story of one student's path from new developer to product manager to going solo as a freelancer and founder.

How Tech Courses Help Start a Career. The Case of a Startup Summer Graduate

How Tech Courses Help Start a Career. The Case of a Startup Summer Graduate