mvp development

Natural Language Processing for a Fistful of Dollars

Natural Language Processing for a Fistful of Dollars

The miracle is how we train the model that defines intent and understands context. Machine Learning tech is rapidly changing the way your clients solve their problems — and it’s getting cheaper too!

Business Analysis at Paralect

Business Analysis at Paralect

Six Key Aspects of Transparent Project Management

Six Key Aspects of Transparent Project Management

Transparency defines project success. It reveals crucial information for adjustments and creates space for change. With it, your team will make better decisions, understand each other clearly and meet expectations.

How to use Neo4j to Monitor Customer Fraud in a Fintech App

How to use Neo4j to Monitor Customer Fraud in a Fintech App

Eventually, detecting malicious actors and preventing fraud became mired in queries upon queries, requiring more and more time and resources to weed out. We needed a better solution, both for the sanity of our developers and for the continued growth of the products.

The Value of Experiments Part Two

The Value of Experiments Part Two

No matter how good we are at predicting and speculating, experiments can not only solidify your predictions but can also unveil totally new perspectives.