product design

Why mobile-first product design saves founders time and money

Why mobile-first product design saves founders time and money

If your product must implement new features or launch quickly without spending too much money on development, mobile-first design is the answer.

How to organize your design workspace in Figma

How to organize your design workspace in Figma

How to set up an effective process for UX/UI Design and Product Management collaboration

How to set up an effective process for UX/UI Design and Product Management collaboration

PdM and Design work together to keep the project running smoothly from start to finish. They offer ideas in all stages of a project, from discovery to design and development.

A simple guide to better navigation design: Header vs Sidebar?

A simple guide to better navigation design: Header vs Sidebar?

User experience is paramount when it comes to interface design. Users need to navigate your product quickly and easily, without feeling frustrated or confused.

The Discovery Phase — How to Go from Idea to Product Idea

The Discovery Phase — How to Go from Idea to Product Idea

Our product discovery team is ready to help each founder refine their idea into a product that supports their goals.

Usability Testing: Our Experience with the JiPay App

Usability Testing: Our Experience with the JiPay App