Image Similarity Search — from Research to Production

Image Similarity Search — from Research to Production

What if you could just take a photo of a lamp and find similar ones for sale online? This is how we used computer vision to turn that idea into reality.

Why to Use Risk-Based Testing in Product Development

Why to Use Risk-Based Testing in Product Development

In this post, we explore risk-based testing as we've come to implement it. And we'll look at one product where unforeseen risks forced us to step back and improve our risk-based testing strategy.

How Smart Contracts Streamline Payment Processes

How Smart Contracts Streamline Payment Processes

In the simplest form, smart contracts help you exchange money, property, shares, or anything of value in a transparent, conflict-free way while avoiding the services of a middleman.

How to use Neo4j to Monitor Customer Fraud in a Fintech App

How to use Neo4j to Monitor Customer Fraud in a Fintech App

Eventually, detecting malicious actors and preventing fraud became mired in queries upon queries, requiring more and more time and resources to weed out. We needed a better solution, both for the sanity of our developers and for the continued growth of the products.