Startup Summer Evolution

Startup Summer Evolution

Startup Summer is designed to give the students a perfect blend of in-class training, homework, bonus coding challenges and practical application of the skills they learn.

Earn it, Build it, or Buy it — Three Ways to Grow a Community around your Product

Earn it, Build it, or Buy it — Three Ways to Grow a Community around your Product

Your MVP Won’t Fly without QA — Here’s Why

Your MVP Won’t Fly without QA — Here’s Why

Very often — especially in large projects — QA engineers are the people who know the product better than anyone else.

Usability Testing: Our Experience with the JiPay App

Usability Testing: Our Experience with the JiPay App

Watching real people interact with your app is a crucial part of the product review process. This is where usability testing comes into play. Let's look at how we did it with JiPay and how it impacted our design.

How Bad Culture Destroys Companies

How Bad Culture Destroys Companies

I believe bad culture means bad leadership. And bad leadership means an unstable business — ultimately a meaningless business.

Object Detection from Image and Video

Object Detection from Image and Video

We explore how to detect an object from video & image using HSV (hue, saturation, value) color space, OpenCV library in C++ and Python programming languages.

Image Similarity Search — from Research to Production

Image Similarity Search — from Research to Production

What if you could just take a photo of a lamp and find similar ones for sale online? This is how we used computer vision to turn that idea into reality.

Natural Language Processing for a Fistful of Dollars

Natural Language Processing for a Fistful of Dollars

The miracle is how we train the model that defines intent and understands context. Machine Learning tech is rapidly changing the way your clients solve their problems — and it’s getting cheaper too!

Business Analysis at Paralect

Business Analysis at Paralect

We work with clients to define their business needs, extract their requirements and document them in a consistent, complete and, above all, useful way.

Why to Use Risk-Based Testing in Product Development

Why to Use Risk-Based Testing in Product Development

In this post, we explore risk-based testing as we've come to implement it. And we'll look at one product where unforeseen risks forced us to step back and improve our risk-based testing strategy.

How to use Neo4j to Monitor Customer Fraud in a Fintech App

How to use Neo4j to Monitor Customer Fraud in a Fintech App

Eventually, detecting malicious actors and preventing fraud became mired in queries upon queries, requiring more and more time and resources to weed out. We needed a better solution, both for the sanity of our developers and for the continued growth of the products.