Valet in the sky — Computer Vision with Azure AI

Valet in the sky — Computer Vision with Azure AI

Our idea was to adopt new cutting-edge Machine Learning approaches to “everyday life” problems. The problem is simple – find occupied and free spaces in parking lots.

How (and why) we build marketplace data pipelines — Part 1: Data Warehouses

How (and why) we build marketplace data pipelines — Part 1: Data Warehouses

Don’t rush to launch your MVP: validate the idea first to measure demand

Don’t rush to launch your MVP: validate the idea first to measure demand

It’s way more efficient to spend ~10 days validating your idea than to waste your design, development and testing teams’ time (and budget) on an app that no one needs.

7 ways to cultivate your founder’s mindset

7 ways to cultivate your founder’s mindset

Is it possible to train and develop a startup mindset? Or is it something given or not given at birth? We believe you can develop it.

Communication breakdown: why teammates disagree and how to reach consensus faster

Communication breakdown: why teammates disagree and how to reach consensus faster

Remember that you are both fighting for the product. You have at least one common point — you both want the product to become better. This is a good start.

Omnichannel Strategy — finding founders for Accelerator Batch ‘22

Omnichannel Strategy — finding founders for Accelerator Batch ‘22

We held experiments in each channel, playing with ad format, creatives, messages, targeting settings and strategies.

How to set up an effective process for UX/UI Design and Product Management collaboration

How to set up an effective process for UX/UI Design and Product Management collaboration

A simple guide to better navigation design: Header vs Sidebar?

A simple guide to better navigation design: Header vs Sidebar?

User experience is paramount when it comes to interface design. Users need to navigate your product quickly and easily, without feeling frustrated or confused.

Research Product Personas, build your ICP and wrap up your market research

Research Product Personas, build your ICP and wrap up your market research

Research and build your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and define the buyer personas you want to target with your MVP or new feature update.

Hard decisions — easy life, easy decisions — hard life. How a Startup Summer graduate founded his own company

Hard decisions — easy life, easy decisions — hard life. How a Startup Summer graduate founded his own company

The story of one student's path from new developer to product manager to going solo as a freelancer and founder.

Quality Accelerated: interview with the QAs from the Paralect Accelerator

Quality Accelerated: interview with the QAs from the Paralect Accelerator

With an MVP, your main aim is efficiency. It makes no sense to spend too much time perfecting it.

Prototyping a Video Creator App for Web3

Prototyping a Video Creator App for Web3

Together with the founder, we’re testing the market to see what kind of video apps resonate with the Web3 community.